Morning Consult Holiday Series

2022 - 2023
Project Prompt
Consumer trends make up a sizable amount of Morning Consult's data, especially when it comes to holiday shopping and travel.
My Approach
I wanted to bring some holiday cheer into charts within the various reports and memos created around holiday spending.
Tools Used
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Illustrator
  • Excel
  • Photoshop

After walking me through her data and initial analysis drafts for the 2022 Holiday Report, Claire Tassin, Retail & E-Commerce Analyst, tacked on the request to "have fun, and bring in a little kitsch... we are talking about the holidays". She didn't have to tell me twice before I was seeing what visual metaphors and puns I could place into her charts while also keeping to the brand guidelines our Senior Creative Designer, Kelly Rice created.

Through my Senior Design Director's guidance as well as input from my data viz counterpart, Sam Elbouez, I was able to pepper in elements of whimsy to provide delight, not visual clutter. Many of the elements defined in 2022 were recycled in 2023's series of holiday-focused memos and reports.

A selection of layouts from the 2022 Morning Consult Consumers' Holiday Plans report

In addition to the light kitsch, I also translated sentiments of anxiety around inflation through simple iconography and colour usage.

These spiky dots were inspired by the sequins and bead ornaments popular in the 1950s and 60s. This iconography was so successful in 2022, it was brought back in 2023 with slightly different context.

By request, the bows were also brought back in 2023 in a slightly different chart type to signify highest share in each generation.
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