The Other Patrons

May 2020
Project Prompt
Apply analytical and visualization techniques to a data set of my choice as a class project that features lessons learned in a statistics bootcamp.
My Approach
I wanted to apply the statistical methods I learned by attempting to find correlation between NYC restaurant grades and rat sightings reported to 3-1-1.
Tools Used
  • Illustrator
  • Excel
  • ArcGIS Online

New York City is world famous for its restaurant scene, and is equally infamous for its rat population. With one of the strictest and most transparent health code systems, I wanted to see if there was a correlation between reported sightings of rats and restaurant letter grades.

I pulled data for each subject from NYC Open Data. In 2019, there were a total of 23,603 inspections of food establishments across the 5 boroughs that ranged from cafes to fine dining to quick casual. Even limiting the data to just the borough of Manhattan, there were still 9,529 items in the data set.

I further limited down the data to by date and removal of establishments pending grades. Finally, I landed on a population of 45 establishments (15 of each grade), selected randomly via Excel. I then created a quarter-mile radius around each restaurant in the sample population to focus the thousands of rat reports spanning September through October in 2019.

I used the 1980's pulp novel, The Rats by James Herbert as inspiration for the colour palette and early 80's vibe of the project.

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